Branding mistakes to avoid!


Your brand matters and it only takes a few quick seconds to attract your dream customers attention.

In those quick seconds you want your potential customer - whether they have landed on your social media pages or visiting your website and see your graphics/logo, to see you as a professional serious business.

We live in a saturated online market, if your branding doesn’t look professional or connect with your dream customer another business will capture there attention and you will have missed opportunities for your business.

There is many aspects combined that make up your Brand. On this Blog I am focusing on some visual mistakes to avoid that you could be making your brand look unprofessional.

1/ Low quality/pixelated images

You work so hard on your business and important to reflect that with all your visuals - whether it’s your images on your website/social pages or your logo.

Everything you put out online ensure it is high quality this will makes such a huge difference for your business!

People will view your low quality, pixelated images and this will effect how they view your products/service. You will attract the wrong customer that won’t see you as a serious business.

2/ A complex logo

This a common one I see, a complex logo with lots of detail.

“Focus and Simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple.

But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.” Steve Jobs

When you logo is simple, it will be more memorable and timeless. You should be able to scale down or up to any size and still look great!

Your logo can’t do all the work, I recommend stripping back the unnecessary only to present what is important is key - show your personality with brand elements/patterns in your branding visuals. This will help you look more professional.

3/ Too many different fonts used

When there is too many different fonts used across your branding, website - it looks messy, chaotic and will cause overwhelm for people.

The impression it will give to your potential customer that you have rushed to put something together, no thought has been put behind it.

I recommend using 2 fonts to represent your brand.

Hope this Blog has helped you.

Effie x

If you need help with your Rebranding for your Business and wanting to chat, you can Book a FREE 30 minute consultation with me here.