Why Brand consistency matters?


It is really important no matter what size your business is to maintain consistency in your Brand.

This is not only your logo, it’s from your Typography/Fonts, Colours, Website, Social Media, Business Card, Marketing Material as well as your messaging.

There are many factors that make up a brand - I will only focus on a few visual aspects for this Blog.

You will build trust, creditability with your potential customer when they see consistency whenever they come across your business.

It not only sets you apart from your competition, but it builds brand recognition and helps you grow your business.

What inconsistency does to your brand?

You confuse people when there is no consistency.

If you keep on changing it up always, with the colours or your fonts and also there is different visual styles, it will make you look unprofessional and will do more damage than you realise to your brand.

Your Logo

Your logo Is usually the first visual element that your customers will mainly associate with your business. 

I have seen some businesses have completely different logos used on various channels from Instagram to the website - where they look like they are two different brands as there fonts, style and colours have not been at all consistent with the main logo to associate they are linked. This has left me totally confused, thinking I have clicked on a different link that lead me off the website to another.

You confuse people and you won’t be remembered changing your logo, it’s important to remain consistent.

Working with a Brand designer they should provide you with variants of your logo which is a based on your Main Logo (alternate, horizontal, sub mark/Icons). These are all associated to your business and due to space, variant logos are to be used accordingly.

Your Brand Colours

Colours build trust and when you have selected your brand colours - keep to them.

People will associate and remember you with your brand colours.

Your Fonts/Typography

I recommend using 2 fonts to represent your brand and use the same ones for your brand to remain consistent.

Just like brand colours there is meaning with colours associated for your brand. Typography is also important, as it helps you to express the personality of your brand.

When there is too many different fonts used across your branding, website - it looks messy, chaotic and will cause overwhelm for people as well as being inconsistent.

Use a Brand/Style Guideline

Having Brand Guidelines for your Business is important, to ensure you remain consistent with your Branding visuals across your channels. It also makes it super helpful for you, as well anyone else working with your brand such as your Virtual Assistant to know how to follow your brands guidelines to ensure you remain consistent.

Hope this Blog has helped you.

Effie x

If you need help with your Rebranding for your Business and wanting to chat, you can Book a FREE 30 minute consultation with me here.